Give your Workplace a Spring Clean

Spring CleanAs Spring is now upon us, it’s the perfect time for every individual to think about getting their home in a ship-shape and squeaky-clean condition. This doesn’t have to be limited to the house, however, and perhaps this could be the ideal time to rally your colleagues and give the workplace a deep clean for the year ahead.

If you’re not convinced, here are some key points to consider:

  • Business premises, just like homes, can soon accumulate clutter
  • Equipment can become faulty or damaged if not regularly checked and well maintained
  • There are numerous advantages to a clean and organised workplace
  • Good hygiene is essential to safe working and living
  • Effective cleaning can prevent illnesses and the aggravation of allergies
  • Accumulated rubbish is a serious health hazard

According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers have a legal duty to maintain a good order and clean conditions in the workplace. Make sure that your business complies with these regulations by assessing hygiene regimes in the workplace. Do your employees work in the safest possible environment and do you have the sufficient equipment to meet your legal obligations? National Spring Cleaning Week is the perfect opportunity to examine this, overhauling anything that is outdated, or needs a review and requires adjustment.

Here are a few ways to move forward.

Personal workstations

Staff morale and efficiency can be greatly improved if the workplace is clean and tidy, so you should encourage your employees to clear away any clutter, dust or stains on a routine basis. Even if you have professional cleaners for communal areas, your staff may prefer to look after their own belongings and personal workspace. As an employer, there’s a lot that you can do to support this by providing suitable wipes for laptops, phones, monitors and keyboards. If your employees are comfortable and happy at their workstations, they’re more likely to be productive and efficient.

Remember, you have an additional responsibility to provide clean air in the workplace, so the central heating, air conditioning and ventilation should all be quality checked at least twice a year. Doing this ensures the operational efficiency of these systems and will give you an early warning as to whether any filters need replacing.


During your business spring clean, don’t forget that shared equipment also needs attention and regular maintenance. Printers and scanners should be checked and cleaned about once every two weeks unless a problem develops. Equally, kitchen equipment such as fridges and microwaves should be routinely washed and kept in a hygienic condition at all times.

It’s always worthwhile to check for any leftover food that might have been forgotten or institute a ‘clean up after yourself’ policy in communal eating areas. Make sure that you have suitable recycling and waste bins for your employees to use, and encourage all staff to take responsibility for their own rubbish. Some people are simply unaware of how much mess they can make, so don’t be afraid to inform them of their responsibilities and indicate the disposal units you have provided for their convenience.

Washrooms should be cleaned at least once a day, or more frequently if you have a large workforce. Make sure that there is anti-bacterial hand wash for your employees in these areas, and check that all surfaces and facilities are kept clean.

You also need to ensure that you have suitable cleaning products on hand to deal with biohazard waste. If you need to clean up blood or vomit, or if there are sharp objects to be disposed of, then it is crucial that your business has the best and safest products. Don’t delay and stock up on the tools and equipment for this – accidents can happen at any time and it’s always best to be prepared.


Jet-sprays are incredibly useful for washing away small debris and can be used on various external surfaces or in car parks. As with interior cleaning, don’t forget to put up signs to warn staff and visitors that cleaning is in process, especially around wet and potentially hazardous surfaces. Finally, any staff working outside must be provided with suitable protective clothing, especially if they are using chemical cleaning products. They also need to be visible to visitors and staff, particularly in car parks or other areas that are close to traffic.

With these handy tips, you can get the entire workforce involved, laying the foundations for a tidier business environment and happier, more motivated employees.


Disclaimer: The information provided through Legislation Watch is for general guidance only and is not legal advice. Legislation Watch is not a substitute for Health and Safety consultancy. You should seek independent advice about any legal matter.

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