HSE opens consultation on proposed replacement of CDM regulations

CDM RegulationsThe HSE has begun a consultation on its proposals to replace the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007).

The construction industry and others have 10 weeks to respond to the proposals, which are intended to make the regulations easier to understand and comply with but retain vital safety protection.

The most significant changes included in the proposals are:

  • The CDM co-ordinator role being replaced by a principal designer role within the project team
  • Removal of explicit competence requirements and replacing with a specific requirement for appropriate skills
  • Application of the regulations to domestic clients in a proportionate way
  • The Approved Code of Practice being replaced by tailored guidance.

Many domestic projects will also come under the full effect of the CDM Regulations in order to better comply with the European Directive.

The proposals are the result of the Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC) working alongside the HSE for two years. Heather Bryant, HSE Construction Chief Inspector, stated: “The proposed changes are aimed at ensuring more people come home safe and well from their work and making the law simpler and clearer for employers to understand, particularly small businesses.”

The consultation runs from 31st March to 6th June 2014.

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