Your FREE October magazine is out NOW…

Your FREE October edition of Legislation Watch is ready to download now!

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Packed full of the latest Legislative information to help your business stay complaint, this edition covers all the big changes that came into effect on the 1st October 2015, including

  • Changes to UK consumer Law
  • Smoking ban in cars carrying children
  • The exemption of self-employed workers from health and safety law
  • Changes to National Minimum wage
  • Carrier bag charges
  • New Legislation for landlords required to install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

Also inside this issue…

The Changing Face of Health & Safety, Face Fitting for Respiratory Equipment, Falls from Height, Assessing Perimeter Security, Is Sitting the New Smoking?, Sikhs and Head Protection, Fines in Magistrates Courts, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Significant Increases in Fines in Magistrates Courts, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, The Slip Resistance of Flooring, CDM 2015 On-Site… and much more!

Download the October 2015 edition now!



Disclaimer: The information provided through Legislation Watch is for general guidance only and is not legal advice. Legislation Watch is not a substitute for Health and Safety consultancy. You should seek independent advice about any legal matter.

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