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Forlift truck driver

Forklift truck safety

Staff who are responsible for training forklift truck drivers have an important duty to ensure they stay safe. In much the same way, an employer
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Car Park accident

Car Park Hazards

Car parks can be extremely hazardous places. You may have experienced people parking carelessly without consideration for others, which can cause a safety hazard.  Disruption
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winter road safety

Winter Safety

The winter months entail specific health and safety concerns that pose threats to employees. Although these hazards can be particularly acute for outdoor workers, there
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Site Survey man in hi-vis

Carrying out a COSHH Assessment

COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health – falls under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. It requires that employers either
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office worker business man close up

Data Security and Ex-Employees

A new study has revealed that businesses are failing to block ex-employees from accessing the company’s data. More than 50 per cent of former employees
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5 Steps to Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are an absolute requirement under health and safety legislation and failure to conduct them is an offence. Risk assessments are designed to ensure
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