Latest First Aid Articles

UK Defibrillator Database

In Britain, around 30,000 people per year are struck by sudden cardiac arrests outside hospital environments. This is particularly troubling, as when it comes to
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An Overview of RIDDOR

RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – makes employers responsible for reporting certain serious accidents in the workplace as well
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First aid burn bandage

Workplace Burns

The most common types of burn injuries in the workplace occur as a result of accidental misuse or clumsy handling of thermal, chemical or electrical
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Mandatory AED Training

Health and safety in the workplace should be a key area of concern for every employer, and there is of course a legal responsibility to
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first aider in first aid room after accident

What’s in your first aid room?

Legislation – Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 Employers should provide a suitable first aid room or rooms where the assessment of first aid needs
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First Aid for Eyes

Every year, thousands of people suffer from work-related eye injuries. Sometimes this damage is permanent, leading to irreversible loss of eyesight. If the eyes are
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Assessing First Aid Needs

Employers are required to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees (and others when deemed necessary) receive immediate attention if
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