Latest Transport & Road Safety Articles

potholes in road

Pothole Repair

They are the bane of any driver’s life. Potholes in the road not only damage vehicle tyres and suspension, they can also be highly dangerous
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electric vehicle

The Rise of Electric Cars

The ascension of Eco-Technology is making a huge impact on our daily lives with the growing presence of energy efficient household appliances, smart devices and
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Grey Fleet Management

For the majority of people, the most dangerous thing they do at work is drive on the public highway. In this feature, Gordon Tranter considers
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New Driving Penalties

In August 2013, new measures for on-the-spot fixed penalty notices for drivers who put other road users at risk with careless driving offences, such as
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Car Park Hazards

Car parks can be extremely hazardous places. You may have experienced people parking carelessly without consideration for others, which can cause a safety hazard.  Disruption
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